Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with boron 6% and molybdenum 1%


Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with boron 6% and molybdenum 1%


bоrоn (В) 74 g/l | 6 %

molybdenum (Мо) 12,5 g/l | 1 %

nitrogen (N) 43,05 g/l | 3,5 %

humic acids 28 g/l | 2,64 %

fulvic acids 12 g/l | 1,12 %

amber acid 0,095 g/l | 0,009 %

phosphorus (Р) 0,0008 g/l | 0,00008 %

potassium (К) 4,27 g/l | 0,4 %

sodium (Na) 0,64 g/l | 0,06 %

zinc (Zn) 0,05 g/l | 0,005 %

сорреr (Cu) 0,05 g/l | 0,005 %

manganese (Мn) 0,017 g/l | 0,002 %

iron (Fe) 0,79 g/l | 0,074 %

cobalt (Со) 0,06 g/l | 0,006 %

nickel (Ni) 0,05 g/l | 0,005 %

silicon (Si) 0,024 g/l | 0,002 %

selenium (Se) 0,03 g/l | 0,003 %

iodine (I) 0,02 g/l | 0,002 %

magnesium (Mg) 0,12 g/l | 0,012 %

calcium (Са) 1,01 g/l | 0,1 %

sulfur (S) 0,52 g/l | 0,049 %


рН 8

density 1,23 g/cm³

Preparation form:



canister 5 l, 1 l

Consumption rate:

0,5 l per 1 ton of seeds

0,5-1 l per 1 hectare of crops

Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with boron 6% and molybdenum 1%

highly effective complex fertilizer to compensate for the deficiency of bогоп and molybdenum. lt has anti-stress. growth-accelerating. and immuno-stimulating properties. Contains boron in an organic form easily accessiЫe to plants. molybdenum. fulvic, humic acids, mасго- and microelements, amber acid.

The increased molybdenum content helps ensure а complete photosynthesis process under unfavorable temperature conditions and lack of moisture. The drug enhances growth and development, improves calcium nutrition of plants. Stimulates the formation of nodule bacteria оп the roots of legumes. Enhances flowering,increases pollen fertility and set formation, and reduces ripeningtime. Eliminates the negative effects of stress, incl. after applying pesticides. Helps increase theyield and quality of crop products.

Crop Seed treatment Appllcatlon phases
Spring and winter grains   tillering — beginning of stem elongation flag leaf — ear formation  tlowering — beginning of milky ripeness 
Com   appearance of 3-8 leaves booting heading of panicles
Buckwheat   first pair of true leaves —  branching  budding lowering, fruit formation
Peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, beans  inoculation, seed dressing seedlings — leaves of the tirst tier leaves of the second — fourth tier budding — beginning of flowering, formation of pods
Rapeseed, mustard, winter cress spring and winter    formation of а leaf rosette — branching stem growth — beginning of and winter budding budding — beginning of flowering, formation of pods
Flax, camelina   herringbone budding, flowering seed ripening
Sunflower   2-4 pairs of true leaves 6-8 pairs of true leaves forming ananthode — beginn1ng of flowering
Sugar beet and tаblе beet  seed dressing 2-4 pairs of true leaves 4-8 pairs of true leave — closing of crops 1n rows  closing of crops between rows
Potato steeping of tubers before planting for 15 hours sprouting — plant height 10-15 cm stem growth,  budding flowering — tuber formation
Solanaceae (tomatoes, peppers,   appearance of 2-4 leaves active growth — formation of set tilling of fruits — ripening
Cabbage steeping of seeds before sowing for 15 hours  2-3 days after planting the seedlings 4-5 true leaves — beginning of glome setting loaf formation
Carrot steeping of seeds before sowing for 15 hours  sprouting — formation 1-2 true leaves  active leaf growth root growth, root formation
Onion, garlic, radish  steeping of seeds before sowing for 15 hours  appearance of 2-3 leaves active vegetative growth beginning of formation — growth of root bulb
Fruit and bеrгу   flower heads phase before flowering growth of fruit inception
Grapes   budding after flowering ripening of berries
Flower and decorative crops    sprouting — 2-3 leaves appearance of 5-7 leaves budding
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