Product catalog:

Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate
organomineral fertilizer of а new generation, а highly active complex of fulvic and humic acids, macro- and microelements, amber acidwith а powerfulanti-stress andstimulatingeffect.
Natural anti-stress agent, growth stimulant, adaptogen, immunomodulator,antidote,activator of soil biological processes.
Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with nitrogen 13%
organomineral fertilizer of а new generation,а highly active complex of fulvic and humic acids, macro- and microelements, amber acidwith increased nitrogen content in аform easily accessible to plants.
Natural anti-stress agent, growth stimulant, adaptogen, immunomodulator, antidote, activator of soilbiological processes.
Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with boron 7%
complex organomineral boron-containing fertilizer with anti-stress, growth-accelerating, immuno-stimulating properties. Contains boron in an organic form easily accessiЫe to plants, fulvic and humic acids, amber acid, macro- and microelements.
Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with boron 6% and molybdenum 1%
highly effective complex fertilizer to compensate for the deficiency of bогоп and molybdenum. lt has anti-stress. growth-accelerating. and immuno-stimulating properties. Contains boron in an organic form easily accessiЫe to plants. molybdenum. fulvic, humic acids, mасго- and microelements, amber acid.
Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with sulfur
organomineral fertilizer based on а sulfur compound that is easily accessible to plants, а highly active complex of fulvic and humic acids, amber acid, macro- and microelements.
Anti-stress agent, growthand nutrition stimulator, adaptogen, immunomodulator.
Beres-8 Super humate with fulvic acids and micronutrients, universal concentrate with zinc
organomineral fertilizer based on а zinc compound that is easily accessiЫe to plants, а highly active complex of fulvic and humic acids, macro- and microelements.
Anti-stress agent, growthand nutrition stimulator, adaptogen, immunomodulator.
Beres-4 Super humate with micronutrients universal
«classic» humic fertilizer basedon potassiumsalts of humic acidswith macro- and microelements. Natural plant growth stimulator with high biological activity. Anti-stress agent, immunomodulator, adaptogen.
Beres-4 Super humate with micronutrients universal with nitrogen 13%
organomineral fertilizer based on potassium salts of humic acids with macro- and microelements with increased nitrogen content in а form easily accessiЫeto plants. Nitrogen is the most important building material fог proteins, amino acids, chlorophyll,and vitamins. lncreases the green mass of plants, determinesthe level of productivity. Necessary fог plants throughout the vegetationseason.
Natural growth stimulator with high Ьiological activity. Anti-stress agent, immunomodulator, adaptogen.
Beres-4 Super humate with micronutrients for nonfood crops with boron 11%
highly concentrated boron fertilizer. The product contains boron in the form most readily available for plant uptake, as well as macro- and micronutrients. It quickly compensates for the lack of boron in plants.
Beres AminoPlant
universal organomineral fertilizer based on amino acids of plant origin and mineral nutrition elements in chelate form. Contains amino acids: arginine, alanine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, valine, glutamic acid, tryptophan, aspartic acid, methionine, lysine, proline, glycine, threonine, serine, phenylalanine, histidine, cystine, which act as a protective mechanism in the presence of unfavorable factors, quickly becoming involved in the metabolic process of plants.
Anti-stress agent, growth stimulant, adaptogen, immunomodulator, antidote, activator of soil biological processes.
Beres AminoMax
is a universal organo-mineral fertilizer based on plant amino acids and mineral nutrition elements in chelate form. The product contains amino acids such as arginine, alanine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, valine, glutamic acid, tryptophan, aspartic acid, methionine, lysine, proline, glycine, threonine, serine, phenylalanine, histidine, and cystine that protect plants from adverse factors, participating in metabolism.
Anti-stress agent, growth stimulant, adaptogen, immunomodulator, antidote, activator of soil biological processes.
Beres AminoComplex
fertilizer based оп amino acids of plant origin, а highly active complex of fulvic and humic acids, amber acid, macro-and microelements in chelated form.
Anti-stress agent, growth stimulant, adaptogen, immunomodulator, antidote, activatorof cell and tissue regeneration.
Beres AminoForte
fertilizer based оп amino acids of plant origin, а highly active complex of fulvic and humic acids, amber acid, macro-and microelements in chelated form.
Anti-stress agent, growth stimulant, adaptogen, immunomodulator, antidote, activatorof cell and tissue regeneration.
Beres AminoForte phosphorus-potassium
biostimulator based оп seaweed extract. Contains an increased amount of easily accessible phosphorus, potassium, minerals, polysaccharides, organic compounds, etc. All useful components are well-balanced in the product, due to which it has the properties of not only а building material for any plant, but also has а bactericidal and preventive effect against diseases. lt helps eliminate quickly phosphorus and potassium deficiency.
Anti-stress agent, growth stimulator, immunomodulator.
Beres Super sea algae extract universal
natural biostimulator of growth based оп seaweed extract, produced bу enzymatic hydrolysis. Contains: amber, maleic, fumaric acids, betaine, mannitol, polysaccharides, vitamins, phytohormones, prohormonal compounds, abscisic acid.
Anti-stress agent, immunomodulator, growth stimulator.
Beres-4 Super humate with micronutrients universal