organic substance 40-50 %
alginic acid 15-18 %
amino acids 1,13 %
amber acid 1,8 %
fumaric acid 0,015 %
maleic acid 0,54 %
nitrogen (N) 1,4 %
phosphorus (Р₂O₅ ) 2,76 %
potassium (К₂O) 17 %
zinc (Zn) 0,005 %
copper (Cu) 0,019 %
manganese (Mn) 0,017 %
iron (Fe) 0,21 %
molybdenum (Мо) 0,006 %
cobalt (Со) 0,005 %
nickel (Ni) 0,005 %
silicon (Si) 0,01 %
selenium (Se) 1,15 %
iodine (I) 0,012 %
boron (В₂O₃) 0,005 %
sulfur (S) 1,15 %
magnesium (Mg) 0,46 %
calcium (Са) 0,86 %
рН 9-11
density 0,76 g/cm³
Preparation form:
100% soluble powder
bag 100 g
bucket 500 g
Consumption rate:
20-100 g per 1 ton of seeds
20-100 g per 1 hectare of crops
Beres Super seaweed extract universal
natural biostimulator of growth based оп seaweed extract, produced bу enzymatic hydrolysis. Contains: amber, maleic, fumaric acids, betaine, mannitol, polysaccharides, vitamins, phytohormones, prohormonal compounds, abscisic acid.
Anti-stress agent, immunomodulator, growth stimulator.
Accelerates seed germination,promotes rapid development of the root system, reduces the time fог гооt restoration after transplanting plants and planting seedlings, stimulates the formation of tubers. Ensures rapid recovery of plants after stress. Promotes the absorption of water-solube mineral fertilizers. lncreases resistance to diseases and has fungiprotective properties. lt triggers protective mechanisms in plants, activating their growth and development, and inhiЬits anthoptosis and droppingof fruits. Helpsincrease yieldand improve the quality of сrор products.
Crop | Seed treatment | Appllcatlon phases | ||
Spring and winter grains | seed dressing | tillering — beginning of stem elongation | flag leaf — ear formation | tlowering — beginning of milky ripeness |
Com | seed dressing | appearance of 3-8 leaves | booting | heading of panicles |
Buckwheat | seed dressing | first pair of true leaves — branching | budding | lowering, fruit formation |
Peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, beans | inoculation, seed dressing | seedlings — leaves of the tirst tier | leaves of the second — fourth tier | budding — beginning of flowering, formation of pods |
Rapeseed, mustard, winter cress spring and winter | seed dressing | formation of а leaf rosette — branching | stem growth — beginning of and winter budding | budding — beginning of flowering, formation of pods |
Flax, camelina | seed dressing | herringbone | budding, flowering | seed ripening |
Sunflower | seed dressing | 2-4 pairs of true leaves | 6-8 pairs of true leaves | forming ananthode — beginn1ng of flowering |
Sugar beet and tаblе beet | seed dressing | 2-4 pairs of true leaves | 4-8 pairs of true leave — closing of crops 1n rows | closing of crops between rows |
Potato | steeping of tubers before planting for 15 hours | sprouting — plant height 10-15 cm | stem growth, budding | flowering — tuber formation |
Solanaceae (tomatoes, peppers, | steeping of seeds before sowing for 18-20 hours | appearance of 2-4 leaves | active growth — formation of set | tilling of fruits — ripening |
Cabbage | steeping of seeds before sowing for 15 hours | 2-3 days after planting the seedlings | 4-5 true leaves — beginning of glome setting | loaf formation |
Carrot | steeping of seeds before sowing for 15 hours | sprouting — formation 1-2 true leaves | active leaf growth | root growth, root formation |
Onion, garlic, radish | steeping of seeds before sowing for 15 hours | appearance of 2-3 leaves | active vegetative growth | beginning of formation — growth of root bulb |
Fruit and bеrгу | steeping of sprigs, seedlings bеfore planting for 12-24 hours | flower heads phase | before flowering | growth of fruit inception |
Grapes | steeping of sprigs, seedlings bеfore planting for 12-24 hours | budding | after flowering | ripening of berries |
Flower and decorative crops | steeping of tubers, bulbs, cuttings, seeds before planting for 15 hours | sprouting — 2-3 leaves | appearance of 5-7 leaves | budding |